Event Screen of MineConnect

Connect a Minecraft Server to your smartphone!

With MineConnect it's possible to get all news and events of your Minecraft1 world. You can chat with friends while being out of range from your computer. Set your favorites to get the push notifications you want and and enjoy your friends damage.
Get MineConnect for free on the App Store®2 and on Google Play®3.

Our features

MineConnect is exactly what you were looking for.
We offer a wide range of useful functions. Find out some features:


A bar chart shows the user activity of the last 7 days.
This function is now also available as a widget for iOS 14.


Here you can see the history of the log and chat in the console to better manage the server.
This is only visible to admins.

Support for Android

Mineconnect is now also available on Google Play®!
A milestone in the cross-device networking of Minecraft users.


See who is currently online and receive the most important statistics at a glance.
Customize your dashboard the way you like it best.


Write in the Global Chat with everyone. Or just with those you like in the Private Chat.
No one else will be able to read private messages.


It doesn't matter whether your friends join the server or try to swim in lava.
You receive everything that happens on the server.

Push Notifications

Even if the MineConnect app is not open, you will receive all the news and updates through push notifications.


Execute commands as an admin to control your server from your phone. Create own commands and save your favorites.


As admin, you can set and toggle everything in the app.
For example, only allow verified players to write in the chat.

Do I need to install the Plugin?

You only have to install the plugin
if you are the owner of the Minecraft server.
We made a beautiful plugin, which makes it possible to connect the server to the MineConnect app.

Members of your server only need to download the MineConnect app.

  MineConnect Plugin

all versions

GitHub - Octocat

How to set up the plugin

We provided a detailed explanation on GitHub.
There you can also give feedback, report bugs and discuss.
We plan to listen to your feedback so that together we can create a nice and useful app.
Help us improve MineConnect and let us know your thoughts and ideas on GitHub.

More information on GitHub


We are happy to take note of any suggestions for improvement, tips or errors and take them into account in the next update.
Please write your comment to info@ibb-games.de!

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